So will the best harmony come out of seeming discords, the best affection out of differences, the best life out of struggle, and the best work will be done when each does his own work, and lets everyone else do and be what God made them for.
- James Freeman Clark
This is one of my favorite quotes. The first time I read it, I remember being struck by its truth. We are all different, unique and yet when we come together we can form something beautiful. That does not mean the coming together won't be without its struggle and that we won't retain our differences. On the contrary - we are called to be one as we are. Jesus talks about it in the language of a body. A body has many different parts but when they work together, they form the body of Christ (and let's face it, what's more beautiful than that?)
Many times I have thought maybe it would be better if I was only like this person or that person. Maybe things would work out better if I just went down this certain path instead of the one I am currently on. In the words of Mr. Clark, I wanted to do someone else's work. Instead, God is calling me to trust in him and stand on the firm foundation of Christ. He has called me for a specific person. My calling is meant for me and to compare it to another's calling is to question God. Romans 8:28 says that God works for the good of those who love him and have been called according to his purpose.
I have a confession to make about this quote. I learned today that Mr. Clark is a unitarian pastor. (They deny the Trinity.) My first reaction was to instantly re-read the quote looking for "unitarian" or "liberal" traces in it. Instead, I still found the truth. I have a little prejudice. Just because someone doesn't believe as I do, and are missing out on the most wonderful truth - does not mean that God can't use them to speak truth to us. God spoke through a donkey to one of his prophets - he can speak to me through a unitarian minister.
1 week to my first reading week...unreal.
Baby bunnies!!!
5 months ago
1 comment:
Thanks for the comment and suggestion on my blog. I have updated it to include more background information and links to learn more.
From your blog, I see you have a willingness to learn truth from whatever source. I admire your faith in God.
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