I know that I haven't been posting mid-week usually but I just have to share my excitement about spring in New England. I don't remember ever noticing when spring would hit at home. By "hit" I mean the grass turns green and the trees bud and the flowers begin to bloom. All I ever remember is a distinct before and after. Before: everything is brown and bare and often still covered in snow. After: Everything is fresh and green and muddy.
The weather turned pretty nice here a couple of weeks ago. Since then I have been very impatient for the scenery to catch up with the weather. Yesterday it did. I went to work and the trees looked as bare as they ever have on my drive. On my drive back from work some trees had fully bloomed these beautiful white blossoms. On others the tips were covered in little green sprouts. My pastor commented on the change and how the world looked so different in the matter of a few hours.
Today while at work I found myself constantly gazing out the window at a tree across the street from the church. It reminded me of a Bob Ross painting. I imagined that I was painting that tree and had just finished the trunk and branches and was switching brushes to add the touches of green. I would use a large bristle-ly brush and dip the end in a bright green paint. Then I would gently tap the brush onto the canvas in a circular motion. It really is a lovely tree.
To be completely honest, I think I know why I'm so distracted by the outdoors these days. You may have noticed that I quoted from the book Anne of Green Gables in my last post. I have been reading the series lately - I am currently in the third book entitled Anne of the Island. I never read the books when I was younger and many of my friends here found that simple unacceptable. I am really enjoying them. I can tell because I am currently taking on the traits of Anne Shirley. Anne has quite a scope for imagination and loves the outdoors. Therefore, I am currently exploring my scope of imagination as well as the outdoors. It is really the perfect time of year to read those books because the weather is perfect for exploring. If only I wasn't a graduate student with work to do!
One last note on the coming of spring: today when I was driving back from work I noticed that the boats are back in the water in Beverly. I don't know why that made me so happy - but it did!
Prom 2024
10 months ago
Yesterday was like a breath of summer here--it was warm and windy, and Sherwin and I went to the park and climbed a tree. Today we're back to spring, as it rained for most of the day. But the grass is finally bright green, all of a sudden, like you say.
I'm so glad you're reading the Anne books! They're wonderful. Anne of the Island is one of my favorites, along with Anne's House of Dreams and Rilla of Ingleside. Happy reading!
Today, it is snowing. Grr!! I shake my fist at you, South Dakota!
I had a friend at Oxford who was amazed that I had been unable to read the Anne books when I was younger. It wasn't that I didn't have access - I owned them all by some chance of my uncle working at a bookstore - but I tried to read them and found them boring. I was more interested in the high tension, fast paced world of John Grisham to care. And I'm pretty sure I still won't like them, considering it took me forever to get through Pride and Prejudice, and they seem very similar.
But spring in New England sounds lovely! I'm jealous.
I would love to see the New England spring! I am going to get there, I promise before you move again!
Glad to hear you are doing well! Miss ya!
Love, Stacy
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