Saturday, September 6, 2008

Girls' Night Out

Last night I went to see Josh Turner in concert at Hampton Beach, NH. It was a girls night out and it was fun! I cannot say that I'm a huge fan of Hampton Beach - not exactly sure what the appeal is there. Actually, more than once I felt like I was in Deadwood or something - just that touristy.

Josh Turner was amazing though. I've said it before and I'll more than likely say it again: Josh Turner is dreamy. A good-looking, talented, Christian man who loves his wife. His wife is actually a part of his band - plays keyboards and sings backup for him. Very cool!

I would say that was the end of my summer. Tonight is the Clamfest at Gordon Conwell. Classes start on Monday (except that I don't have class on Mondays!) This should be a good year. Busy but good.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

It was so much fun! Way to go with finding this and asking us to go. :-)