Sunday, March 1, 2009

Movie Moments Part 5

The final post in my series of favorite movie moments of movies that I own.  

The Saint

Favorite Moment:  Part of the movie is set in Oxford, England.  As many of you know, I spent a semester in Oxford during college.  One of the more famous buildings in Oxford is the Radcliffe Camera - part of the Bodleian Library.  In the movie, they make it seem like the lecture at the end of the movie is set within the Radcliffe Camera and there is a police chase through the Bodleian courtyard.  It's just fun because those are places I used to frequent when I lived there.

The 10th Kingdom

Favorite Moment:  This is a TV miniseries from a while ago, but I love it.  My favorite scene is the three trolls singing along to "night fever" by the BeeGees.  The tape player (yeah... tape player) dies in the middle of the song and they are so disappointed.  Then one of the trolls picks his nose and eats it.  It's such a great scene of sibling rivalry.


Favorite Moment:  After the final twister there is a scene where the rest of team is driving over the horizon towards the two main characters.  Van Halen's "Humans Being" is playing in the background - love it.  I watch this movie every summer.

Two Weeks Notice

Favorite Moment:  "George, you are the most selfish person in the entire world."  "That's just silly, have you met everyone in the world?"

Under the Tuscan Sun

Favorite Moment:  When Frances sees a snake enter her room, she has the italian realtor come to seek it out.  In the process she breaks down emotionally over her choice to move to Tuscany and he reassures her by telling her a story about faith.  That character is everything a man should be: kind, compassionate, faithful, the list goes on.


Favorite Moment:  I love Nathan Fillion in this movie.  He's so awkward and sweet.  It's actually quite a feat to make his character endearing because he's a married doctor who is having an affair with one of his pregnant married patients... yet - I find myself really liking him.  Specifically when he shows up Keri Russell's door and just hugs her for 20 minutes.  We all need a little selfless love in our lives.

While You Were Sleeping

Favorite Moment:  Hands down favorite is the kid wiping out on his bike while delivering papers. It's a transitional scene and so funny.  Two other scenes are tied for a very close second:  The whole "leaning" discussion and the family dinner where about 5 conversations are happening at once... these mashed potatoes are so creamy.  

Well, that's it.  I hope you've found some of this interesting and perhaps it has inspired you to watch a movie or two.  You are welcome to borrow them from me (if that is practical) as long as you return it.  As you might notice, The Holiday wasn't on this list because it is still missing.  Very sad.  

I would be interested in your favorite moments of some of these movies or some of your own favorites.  Perhaps you'll inspire me to watch your favorites.


Dianna said...

I almost put that same moment from "The Saint." I like that movie a lot and bought it before I realized all the Oxford stuff that was in it. That made the purchase even sweeter. I also enjoyed how they made it look like the RadCam had a huge conference room...that looked suspiciously like the Sheldonian... I thought that was great. And the big pan out during the credits to look over the whole city. It makes my heart pitter-patter a little just thinking about it. :)

Jennifer said...

The dinner conversation in "While You Were Sleeping" is the best! I always watch that part like four times, and it makes me crack up every time.