Sunday, September 23, 2007

A City Upon a Hill

For we must consider that we shall be as a city upon a hill. The eyes of all people are upon us. -John Winthrop
Although these words were said about Boston
I sometimes feel as though Gordon Conwell takes on the spirit of John Winthrop. Our campus is located on a giant hill and our students are being trained to be great leaders of the church. Throughout our lives people will look to us to be the example - the guiding light towards Christ. Is that a lot of responsibility? Of course. But I feel that those who are here feel called to be here. Called out for a purpose - to help others in their walk of faith and loving obedience to God.

Today I saw those immortal words of John Winthrop in Boston etched in stone. The English was rough but the passion with which he communicated through those words seemed to spark something within me. Boston was for him a new beginning. Would it be the same for me? Would this be the place where I committed my life yet again over to the author of it?

I pondered this question as my friend Anna and I roamed the streets of Boston. We were in town to go to the famous Park Street Church. I had heard about the church from friend and had wanted to go there. It is a large church, but I enjoyed the service. After that, Anna and I took advantage of the beautiful weather and soaked in the sights and sounds of Boston.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Katie! Loving you, missing you, enjoying the photos of Boston and your campus... to respond- YES! The guy ACTUALLY goes by Boob! :) Lovely, huh? Perhaps it's a Lakota thing!
Loving life, Em