Sunday, September 9, 2007

Long, tedious weekend

Nothing like 2 days of nothing to do to start out an adventure...

Although the time has been relaxing and it has been good to talk to some friends from home - having nothing to do but be alone with one's thoughts can be a scary and perhaps not such a healthy way to start a new chapter in life. But, maybe I am wrong. Maybe this time has served as a catalyst into the academic year. Get me bored to tears so I am anxious for something to study - for something to learn. I have learned a few things already:
1. How to pronounce local towns in MA.
Peabody (Peebidy), Gloucester (Gloster), Worcester (Wuhster), etc.
2. The names of nearly all the single girls at GCTS.

3. The names and backstories of all the characters on Ugly Betty.

4. That Rte. 128 is helpful to get to Target and Market Basket - but may not be worth the risk...

5. That lobster scares me - no really.

I also took some pictures of the dorm suite I live in. I also took one of Elisa, my suite-mate, not to be confused with my roommate. Enjoy!

This is Elisa - she's pretty much amazing.

This is the room I share with Tina (my roommate).

This would be my bed.

My desk - with my ethernet cable strung above the door - very classy.

This shot includes hall closet, extra sink and bathroom.

This is the common room that we have yet to decide what to do with.

That is all for the tour of my new residence. I'll update when I have more to say!

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